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Frequently asked questions

Where to find Pelm Deli?

Pelm Deli is located in:

  • T1 Peterburi tee 2, 11415 Tallinn, +372 600 1111
  • Torupilli Selver Vesivärava 37, 10152 Tallinn, +372 601 1616
  • Mustakivi Prisma Mustakivi tee 17, 13912 Tallinn, +372 600 4433
  • Baltijaam Kopli 1, 10412 Tallinn, +372 600 7706
  • Tondi Selver A.H. Tammsaare tee 62, 11316 Tallinn, +372 600 1911

How to order online?

When ordering online, the order must be placed no later than 48 hours before the event.

  1. Select the desired products and quantity. You can increase the quantity in the basket.
  2. Go to "My basket" and enter your contact information.
  3. 3. Select the location where you want to receive the food or delivery methods.
  4. Select the payment method.
  5. Select the date and time when you want to receive the goods, accept the terms.
  6. Confirm the order.
  7. After confirming the order, you will be redirected to pay at the bank by selecting a bank link. If you have chosen to pay by invoice, the invoice will be sent to you by email.
  8. Make the payment at the bank. You will receive a payment confirmation to your email address. When using bank links, be sure to click the "Return to seller" button after payment.
  9. An order confirmation will be sent to your email address.
  10. You can receive the paid goods at the desired time in the place of your choice.


According to the legislation of the Republic of Estonia and the European Union, food and perishable products are not subject to return. (according to Art. 53, Part 4, Clause 4 of the Law of Obligations Act)
If any difficulties arise with the execution of the order, the conflict situation will be resolved in the most suitable way for all parties. If a compromise solution cannot be reached, the money will be returned to the bank account within 7 days.

The seller has the right to establish a minimum order quantity or amount.
If you have any questions, please contact us by e-mail at 
To place an individual order from the Pelm or Repa restaurant menu, please contact us by e-mail at 

Enjoy your meal!